Full of Energy: Tierra Grata’s new campaign to bring light to the Guajira.

When Colombians discuss La Guajira, two things come to mind. The first is the vast desert, with the arid territory next to the Caribbean Sea a place to go and visit. The second is the poverty with images of Wayuu children and women living without access to water and in a state of malnutrition are […]

Tierra Grata Presents at the UN General Assembly.

World leaders have been participating in the UN General Assembly in New York since last week. This meeting’s theme is to promote multilateral efforts to eradicate poverty, improve the quality of education, and take action against climate change. Many events have already generated controversies, such as activist Greta Thunberg’s look at Donald Trump, Nayib Bukele’s selfie, […]

How is the Water and Sanitation Situation in Barranquilla?

The town of Barranquilla announced the presentation of the Quality of Life and Environment report yesterday which includes information on air quality, noise, arborization of both the city and the metropolitan area.  Manuel Fernandez, the Director of Barranquilla Cómo Vamos, translated as “How are we doing?” presented information showing that the capital Atlántico, next to Puerto […]

The Worrying Numbers in Health Care

Some 30 million Latin Americans living in rural areas only have access to rudimentary outdoor latrines. Colombia is no exception and three out of 10 rural farmers do not have access to basic sanitation.  30 million Latinamericans live in rural areas without access to toilets. Access to a toilet is often taken for granted, even […]

“It is best to focus on people’s potential, instead of their need.”

Jenifer (to the far left) with the Tierra Grata team. Jenifer Colpas’ friends tell her that it took knowing poverty on the other side of the world, to realize the issues on her doorstep. Her story is inspirational, attesting that if we bet on what our hearts tell us and know how to read the […]