SIM Announces Winners for the Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development Competition

Following 615 nominations from non-governmental organizations and academia, and a rigorous evaluation process involving the Colombian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CECODES), the National Planning Department (DNP), the Swedish Embassy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), we are pleased to announce the five projects selected for the SIM Initiatives Competiton for Sustainable Development: Bancalimentos. […]
Pita’s Battle for Clean Water and Decent Sanitation

The people of Pita have survived armed conflict and droughts. Today, they struggle to gain access to safe drinking water and continue to fight for a better future. About Pita The name “Pita” comes from the Spanish phrase mata de fique with which the inhabitants of this area traditionally manufactured the fiber they use in the moorings […]
[Workshop AGUASAN 2019] “Promoting the Human Right to Water and Sanitation (HRTWS) through sustaininable business practices”

HRTWS is a public policy conference which focuses on how organizations can promote the Human Right to Water and Sanitation through the adoption of inclusive business approaches. From the 13th to the 17th of May 2019 the 35th AGUASAN Workshop was held in Spiez, Switzerland. The conference provided a platform to analyze the strategies and […]
Tierra Grata brings solar energy to families in Bolivar.

A solar panel rests on the roof of Birsa Aragon’s house in the village of Hondible, Montes de María. Birsa, who is 80 years old, explains that she has lived there for over 30 years and explains that he once lit up his house thanks to a panel that her son had bought. However, time […]
Two Young Colombians Win at One Young World
Ilana Milkes and Jenifer Colpas stood out from 1,200 participants. Ilana Milkes (left) was a professional football player for the Colombia national team. Jenifer Colpas (right) did her internship in India. Photo: Carlos Ortega / THE TIME – Courtesy Daniel López ‘Everyone deserves decent bathrooms The winners of the Lead2030 Challenge receive $50,000 and mentoring from their […]
Joining Efforts for Social Entrepreneurship

The team at Tierra Grata has brought electricity to more than 100 families in the Colombian region bordering the Caribbean such as Montes de María. They were inspired by hearing about the lack of access to electricity in Colombia, which affects about 4% of the country’s population and causes problems including a greater rate of […]