On Energy Day, It’s Time to Think About Renewable Sources

This Friday, February 14, Energy Day is celebrated worldwide. The aim is to promote renewable sources’ use and reduce the use of fossil fuel-based energies such as coal or oil. It is estimated that approximately 80% of energy is produced from fossil fuels, and 36% of it comes from oil. Only 2% comes from renewable energy.

Since 1949 this date has been considered in commemoration of the need for service for social development and the quality of life of communities. According to the United Nations, more than a third of the world’s population does not have access to advanced forms of energy, and the 30 most developed countries on the planet, which account for 15% of the total population, consume more than 60% of modern forms of energy.

At Columbia, according to the National Energy Plan (PEN), by 2050, three-quarters of the energy reserve will continue to depend on fossil fuels. If we take this into account, we are in a stalemate concerning other countries where the transition to renewable energy sources has already begun; we need to develop new territorial energy sources that are sustainable, economical. To help mitigate the environmental disaster of climate change.

The challenge of the country and the rest of Latin America lies in raising awareness of energy savings and changing practices around consumption, such as incentivizing the use of bicycles or electric and gas public transport rather than cars that emit carbon dioxide. These small practices, which emerge from the becoming of the different family models, will contribute to the transition to the fourth industrial revolution and the cooling of the planet.

Reflection underlies the socio-environmental problem facing the world. In recent months we have seen environmental disasters arising from the struggle for self-consumption to evolve to new sources of energy generation: droughts, forest fires, Hidroituango, to give examples. On average, over 12 months, each inhabitant of the country is responsible for the emission of 4 tons of CO2, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. Each individual has the responsibility to plant eight trees per year to compensate for the carbon footprint emitted in compensation.

The task of the National Government is to educate the country for the transition to the fourth industrial revolution, which requires modernizing the electricity sector by equipping it with technologies that contribute to energy efficiency and environmental protection, prioritizing the cost-benefit ratio. More than a responsibility, this investment will generate local wealth in the future since its implementation will reduce the energy dependence of other countries.

For its part, the companies providing the service must make use of the country’s robust wind resources and the energy stored through solar panels. Concerning the first source, according to renewable energy consultancy Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), in South America, the volume of corporate contracts for the purchase of clean energy during 2019 soared mainly in Brazil, an increase of 384% compared to the previous year. Globally, more than 100 companies in 23 countries signed contracts for the production of 19.5 gigawatts in renewable energy plants.

From Tierra Grata, we have found in solar panels the formula to replace traditional energy sources. In addition to being promising, renewable, non-polluting, and accessible, it also contributes to sustainable development and to train communities in technical maintenance to installed technologies. Unlike wind, solar energy allows large-scale electrification, taking advantage of the geographical areas in whose weather the sun predominates.

This February 14 can happen like any other unimportant celebration. We can take a few minutes to reflect on the uses we give to energy and challenges in the face of socio-environmental impact. Business leaders in the energy sector should focus their attention on photovoltaic solar panels’ energy savings, bringing innovative technologies to villages, remote urban areas, and desert areas.

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